The Affidavit is a form which sets forth the confidentiality agreement for the data submitted, and it also attests...

Vol. 55 | August 2024

Affidavit Overview

The Affidavit is a form which sets forth the confidentiality agreement for the data submitted, and it also attests that data submissions for a particular Call Year present a true and accurate record of your company’s experience. This form requires an electronic signature and can be submitted through the NISS website.

The Affidavit should be submitted after all data for a specific Call Year has been submitted to NISS, including any requested resubmissions. Since all data must be submitted before NISS can accept the Affidavit, it is not due until the year following the Call Year. For example, the Affidavit corresponding to the 2024 Call Year data submissions is due June 30, 2025. However, you do not need to wait until the due date to submit. When your company has submitted all of its data submissions for a Call Year, NISS will send an email alert that you can now submit the Affidavit.

Identify Errors by Policy and Claim Numbers

Several years ago, NISS introduced a new option for reporting Excess losses. As part of that new feature, Claim and Claimant Number fields were added to Voluntary Auto, North Carolina Auto (AQR), Assigned Risk Auto (ARP), Commercial Lines (CLSP), and General Liability (GL).

NISS includes the information in the Claim Number field on the Data Quality Reports for the above-mentioned lines of business. Companies can also report the Policy Number in the Claim Number field on premium records (or loss records if you are not taking advantage of the new Excess reporting option) to see the numbers displayed on the Data Quality Reports. Then, when you are identifying specific errors from the Data Quality Reports, you can see exactly which record contains the error by checking the Policy Number or Claim Number on specific records.

We hope companies will find this helpful as we continue to try to provide useful resources to keep the reporting process as simple as possible.

2024 Upcoming Meetings

Executive Committee Meeting
Virtual Meeting | September 6, 2024

Board Meeting
Indianapolis, Indiana | September 16, 2024

Technical Advisory Committee
Virtual Meeting | October 22, 2024

Executive Committee Meeting
Virtual Meeting | December 6, 2024

Board Meeting
Virtual Meeting | December 16, 2024

About Us

NISS is a unique resource for the property/casualty insurance industry. We collect and report timely, quality insurance data and perform other related functions at a reasonable cost.

For more information, please visit www.niss‑

2024 Upcoming Due Dates

For a list of upcoming due dates, please click here.

Stat Brain Teaser

When Juno was 8 years old, her brother Luke was half her age. If Juno is 30 years old today, how old is Luke?

Please email your answers to A person will be randomly drawn from the first ten correct answers, and that person will win a $25 gift card from!

Winner of $25 Amazon gift card last quarter: Brian Gross

For the question and answer from the last brain teaser, please view the NISS News section here.

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