Compliance Reports NISS Files
NISS serves as your optimum source for statistical reporting in compliance with state regulatory requirements. Below is a list of compliance reports NISS sends on behalf of our member companies.

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States | Reports | Recipient | Frequency | Lines | Notes |
All States except Texas | Compliations | All State Insurance Departments | Annual | All Lines | Specified in the NAIC Statistical Handbook, these are rate monitoring reports, not rate making. NISS member companies receive copies of these reports for the states and lines of business that are filed with NISS. |
All States except Texas | NAIC Average Premium Reports | NAIC | Annual | Auto, Homeowners | Data is aggregated and included in the industry wide NAIC published Average Premium Reports. |
All states except Massachusetts, North Carolina, Texas | Full Detail Ratemaking Experience | AIPSO | Annual | Assigned Risk Auto | AIPSO uses these reports in setting Assigned Risk auto rates. |
All states except Massachusetts, North Carolina, Texas | Residual Market Participation Quota Fulfillment | AIPSO | Quarterly | Assigned Risk Auto | AIPSO uses this report in fulfilling AIP quotas. Data shown by individual insurer. |
All states except Massachusetts and Texas | Residual Market Participation Quota Determination | AIPSO | Annual | Voluntary Auto | Data is submitted to AIPSO for their use in determining and setting AIP quotas. This data is also used in apportioning state AIP expenses. Data is shown by individual insurer. |
Illinois | Cost Containment Report Part 4203.A | Illinois Department of Insurance | Annual | Auto, Homeowners, General Liability, Medical Professional Liability, Businessowners, Excess Insurance | NISS furnishes this report at the company's request for a nominal fee. Data is shown by individual insurer. |
New Jersey | Territory Code and Threshold Experience | New Jersey Department of Insurance | Annual | Private Passenger Auto | Data is submitted to New Jersey by territory code and by specified thresholds to assist in regulation. |
North Carolina | Annual Ratemaking Detail | North Carolina Rate Bureau | Annual | Auto | North Carolina uses the data to set rates. The data is actually furnished to ISO which has a contract to provide rate services to the NC Rate Bureau. |
North Carolina | Trend Report | North Carolina Rate Bureau | Quarterly | Auto - Private Passenger Liability & Physical Damage | Claim cost and claim frequency are sent. |
North Dakota | Premium and Loss Experiences | North Dakota Department of Insurance | Annual | Commercial Fire, Allied Lines | ISO consolidates this data for all statistical agents. |
Massachusetts | Massachusetts Experience | Massachusetts Department of Insurance | Annual | Homeowners | Data is submitted to meet requirements set forth under the Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 175, Section 4A. |
Washington | Commercial Report | Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau | Annual | Commercial Lines, Homeowners | The Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau uses these rate monitoring reports in their Residential Property loss cost analysis. |
Washington | Fire Experience | Washington Department of Insurance | Annual | Commercial Lines, Homeowners | Data for the Firemen's pension fund, including Fire coverage ratios, to the Washington Department of Insurance. |