Statistical Reporting Guide

In order to assist our member companies with their statistical reporting tasks, NISS has created a Statistical Reporting Guide.  This guide was developed primarily for companies or individuals new to statistical reporting.  It is also a helpful reference for those experienced with statistical reporting. 

The Statistical Reporting Guide is accessible through the link and is organized in a "Q & A" format by categories of tasks, starting with understanding why companies do statistical reporting, defining what "Calls" are and working through preparing and submitting Calls.  This guide also details tools and references available to help prepare and monitor various submissions.

    Click here to view a printer friendly version of the Statistical Reporting Guide.

NISS Workshop Information

Join us on the northside of Indianapolis for the NISS Statistical Workshop, an educational summit for staff members that are involved in the details of data management and statistical reporting.

The workshop is fairly technical in nature and covers a wide range of topics, including why statistical reports are required, the reporting process and submitting data Calls, along with utilizing data quality tools and reports. It will also include a detailed walkthrough of the NISS website, with tutorials on the member-interactive features.

Topics for 2025:

  • Why Statistical Reporting is Required
  • Walkthrough of NISS Website
  • Preparation of Data
  • Submission of Data
  • Reviewing and Editing Data
  • Reports and Compilations  

The workshop will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end no later than 4:00 p.m. There is a $99.00 per person registration fee that will cover workshop materials and lunch. Registration closes March 18, 2025, or sooner if capacity is reached. Click here to register now.

The workshop will be held at the Marriott Indianapolis North Hotel located on the northside of Indianapolis. To reserve your hotel room and take advantage of the NISS discounted nightly rate of $179, please click here to reserve online or call 317-705-0000 and give the group name of NISS Statistical Workshop. Hotel reservations must be made no later than March 18, 2025.

Glossary of Insurance Terms

NISS Glossary of Insurance Terms

The NISS Glossary of Insurance Terms provides a list of commonly used words and definitions in the insurance statistical reporting industry.  Our list is a work in progress, as new terms are always being added over time.

Please keep in mind that the NISS Glossary of Insurance Terms was developed with insurance statistical reporting in mind, and certain words may be defined differently in a different context.

NISS Glossary of Insurance Organizations

The NISS Glossary of Insurance Organizations is a small list of organizations (including their acronyms) that are related to either the insurance industry in general or specifically to statistical reporting.

Glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms

NISS has also included a link to the Glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms for companies to reference for any insurance terms, including those not specifically related to statistical reporting.

The Glossary of Insurance and Risk Management Terms was first published by IRMI in 1978 to help those within and outside the insurance industry to communicate effectively. It has been continuously updated and expanded since the original publication and, with definitions of more than 3,100 risk and insurance terms, is probably the most comprehensive and up to date property and casualty insurance glossary or dictionary.

Also be sure to check out the insurance acronyms and abbreviations where nearly 1,000 insurance abbreviations are defined.